For Educators
Welcome Educators!
We are excited to have you be a part of bringing Project Learning Tree to the youth in your community. Once you are certified, you will be well on your way to teaching award-winning environmental and outdoor curriculum.
Visit our Professional Development section to see opportunities to become a certified PLT educator. Also, check out ways to Explore Your Forests, become a PLT GreenSchool!, and see all of our Correlations and Standards for our materials.
Forest Literacy Framework
A Guide to Teaching About Forests
PLT’s Forest Literacy Framework translates the language of forests and sustainable forest management into concepts for everyone at any age. The framework offers 100 forest concepts for grades K-12, organized into the following four themes:
What is a forest?
Why do forests matter?
How do we sustain our forests?
What is our responsibility to forests?
Whether you are a teacher interested in connecting your students to the trees in your schoolyard, or a forest professional looking for guidance on community outreach to youth, including career days or field site visits, this Forest Literacy Framework helps to lay out age-appropriate concepts, knowledge, and skills surrounding forests and related topics. The framework presents a conceptual structure to increase people’s understanding of forests and it empowers them to take actions that benefit forests and all of us.
Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education
Michigan PLT is proud to be a partner of the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE). MAEOE's mission is to support, inspire and empower a diverse network of individuals with a passion for environmental and outdoor learning. We encourage all educators to become a member to have access to a great network of formal and non-formal educators, attend the annual conference, and to become a MAEOE certified environmental educator.