Your questions answered.
Do PLT workshops count toward Continuing Education Units (CEU) or State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH)?
In many cases, yes. Workshop facilitators are responsible for obtaining approval to award CEU credits or SCECHs prior to conducting the class. Contact your facilitator prior to registration to confirm SCECH accreditation.
Can I be notified of upcoming professional development in my area?
Yes, join our Educator Database. You will receive occasional email communication from Michigan PLT, including upcoming workshops in your area.
Does PLT offer any alternatives to workshop professional development?
Yes, PLT national has a variety of online professional development. Visit shop.plt.org and select product type: online courses.
Is the PLT curriculum correlated to standards and benchmarks?
Yes. National standards and benchmark correlations have been made. Michigan specific correlations have been made for the K-8 Activity Guide. Non-formal program correlations have also been made for scouts, 4-H, and more. See Correlations.
Does PLT have any Michigan-specific curriculum supplements?
Michigan PLT has two supplement publications: Focus on Michigan Forests and Michigan School Forest Guide. To get physical copies, contact TakacsA@Michigan.gov.
I am a pre-service teacher or college student, can I participate in PLT?
Yes! Our curriculum is appropriate for pre-service, current, and non-formal educators including parents who homeschool and community program volunteers. Anyone who is interested in using the outdoors as a classroom is welcome to become PLT certified.
How do I become a facilitator to train teachers to use the PLT curriculum?
After becoming a certified PLT educator, you must participate in a facilitator training to become a PLT facilitator and host your own workshops. We generally offer facilitator trainings at least every other year. Make sure to sign up for our Educator Database to be notified when the next facilitator training is held.
I know a fantastic certified PLT educator; is there a way to recognize them?
Yes! We love to recognize our amazing educators. Visit our Educator of the Year page to see past recipients and to learn how to nominate an educator.
I lost one of my manuals; can it be replaced?
Yes. Replacements and other guides can be purchased at shop.plt.org
The "Contact Us" page doesn't allow me to ask any questions. Who can I contact to learn more about Michigan PLT?
Any program questions can be directed to Michigan PLT State Coordinator, Andrea Stay staya@michigan.gov